Nataša Torbica
Nataša Torbica
Honorary Delegate (Wisconsin)
Nataša Torbica is a Refugee Congress Honorary Delegate in Wisconsin.
Nataša came to the U.S. as a refugee from former Yugoslavia. She and her husband and two children were resettled to Wisconsin in 1998, after fleeing their home due to the conflict that was going since 1991 and included forceful military action in 1995.
Since 1999, Nataša has worked in the refugee resettlement field, holding different positions focused on case management, program management, outreach, volunteer coordination, services for older refugees, and fiscal management.
Although her education and work experience prior to coming to the U.S. was not focused on this, she has very much enjoyed pursuing a career in this field. She appreciates the opportunity to engage in meaningful social work and serve the most vulnerable people, while working with communities of all backgrounds and learning about different cultures, languages, religions, and traditions.
Nataša currently works as an employee of the State of Wisconsin, Department of Children and Families, Bureau of Refugee Programs. Previously, she worked as a care manager in the Milwaukee County Family Care Program.