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Honorary Delegate Clara Hart (South Dakota) thanks President Biden for raising the Refugee Admissions Goal for Fiscal Year 2021 and talks about the importance of refugee resettlement.
Get Out the Vote! | 8 Videos
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Refugee Congress Delegate Paul Mwingwa (Montana)

Refugee Congress Delegate Ally Ntumba (Indiana) organized an event to share information about COVID-19 with the Congolese Community. He distributed masks and cleaning supplies to help people stay safe. (Jan 2021)

Delegate Paul Mwinga (Montana) and Honorary Delegate Mayor Wilmot Collins hosted a presentation about Refugee Congress

Refugee Congress members at the National Immigrant Integration Conference in 2019.

Refugee Congress Delegate George Tarr (NY) assisting residents in his community get access to health information during the pandemic

Refugee Congress Delegate Ekhlas Ahmed (Maine) working with fellow advocates to raise awareness in Maine

Refugee Congress Board Member and Delegate Drocella Mugorewera (Tennessee) advocates with community members for refugee resettlement
Refugee Congress members host a table at the National Immigrant Integration Conference in 2019.

Refugee Congress Honorary Delegate Carmen Kcomt gives a presentation on human trafficking.

Refugee Congress Biar Atem speaks to volunteers at #HackABetterWorld, a hackathon hosted by USA for UNHCR's The Hive to address critical issues in Kakuma Refugee Camp, in 2019.

Refugee Congress Delegate Biar Atem (Nevada) speaks with Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia after speaking about refugee resettlement at a Congressional hearing.

Refugee Congress Delegate Biar Atem (Nevada) speaks at the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship's hearing on the state of the US Refugee Resettlement Program.

Refugee Congress Delegate Biar Atem (Nevada) speaks at the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship's hearing on the state of the US Refugee Resettlement Program.

Refugee Congress Board Vice Chair and Delegate (Louisiana) Dauda Sesay works with other volunteers to bring aid and assistance to area communities affected by a storm

Refugee Congress Board Vice Chair and Delegate (Louisiana) Dauda Sesay works with other volunteers to bring aid and assistance to area communities affected by a storm

Refugee Congress Board Vice Chair and Delegate (Louisiana) Dauda Sesay works with other volunteers to bring aid and assistance to area communities affected by a storm

Refugee Congress Board Vice Chair and Delegate (Louisiana) Dauda Sesay works with other volunteers to bring aid and assistance to area communities affected by a storm