Refugee Congress Calls for the Biden Administration to Do More to Ensure Safe Evacuation for Afghan Refugees

Refugee Congress Calls for the Biden Administration to Do More to Ensure Safe Evacuation for Afghan Refugees

For Immediate Release: August 24, 2021

WASHINGTON--Refugee Congress calls on the Biden administration to take action immediately to ensure the safe evacuation of Afghans and U.S. citizens at risk in Afghanistan.

We call on the Biden administration to keep the Kabul airport open, ensure safe passage to the airport and onto flights, continue consular processing at the airport, put out a call for individuals certified for consular services and provide necessary information to evacuees.

As an organization built and led by former refugees, asylees and other vulnerable migrants who had to flee violence, unsafe conditions and persecution, Refugee Congress knows firsthand the importance of the U.S. fulfilling its promise to provide safety and protection.

“The U.S. must keep its promise to protect our Afghan allies and their loved ones by any means necessary. The safety of Afghans and Americans who are at risk is paramount, and we must act now,” said Lourena Gboeah, Chair of the Refugee Congress Board of Directors.

Not enough is being done to facilitate the evacuation of Afghans and Americans in need. Our Afghan allies are eager to be brought to safety, and many Afghans are in desperate need of protection.

Evacuation is needed for broad categories of at-risk allies and vulnerable individuals, including all Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) applicants and their families, immigrant visa applicants, P2 referrals, human rights defenders, women’s rights activists, LGTBQIA+ people, religious minorities and other at-risk groups in particular.

“We are failing our allies, and this administration must take action immediately to keep our promises to the thousands of people who are at risk,” said Nili Sarit Yossinger, Executive Director of Refugee Congress.

Until everyone in need is evacuated, we must keep the evacuation going. No refugee or U.S. citizen in need should be left behind due to an arbitrary deadline.

We encourage organizations and individuals to visit Evacuate Our Allies and use the RCUSA Afghanistan Response Social Media Toolkit to take action and join us in calling on the Biden administration to evacuate ALL of our Afghan allies and stand in solidarity with Afghan people in need.


Refugee Congress is a nonpartisan advocacy organization built and led by former refugees, asylum-seekers and other vulnerable migrants to promote the well-being, integration and dignity of all vulnerable migrants. With delegates across all 50 states and the District of Columbia, we use our voices and experiences to inform and influence decision-makers on critical domestic and international issues that affect our communities.

MEDIA CONTACT: (202) 905-6238,


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