Refugee Congress Celebrates MLK Day: Honoring the Life and Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Refugee Congress Celebrates MLK Day: Honoring the Life and Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Refugee Congress celebrates the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., today. This year, MLK Day comes amidst the divide, unrest, racial injustice and pain this nation has endured over the past year.

We continue to be inspired by Dr. King’s life of service and commitment to equality and justice. In the words of Dr. King, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

As former refugees and asylum-seekers, Refugee Congress Delegates have fled injustice and violence. We know firsthand the importance of civil rights and the tragedies that ensue from injustice and inequity. We are profoundly indebted to Dr. King and his unwavering dedication in his fight for justice and work to shape our nation as a better place for refugees, asylees and other vulnerable migrants. 

“Refugee Congress promises to continue our efforts to complete the work Dr. King started in building a better world where solidarity, equity, justice, interconnectedness and shared humanity are at the core,” said Lourena Gboeah, Chair of the Refugee Congress Board of Director. “As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., recognized the power of service and community, we renew our commitment to making our communities a better place as we start the new year and encourage all to do the same.”

Today and every day, we pay tribute to Dr. King, and those who fought by his side for the rights of fairness and dignity — regardless of race or socio-economic status. 

“The fight for justice and equality is everybody’s fight, and Refugee Congress is poised to lead by example. This is how we honor Dr. King’s legacy. This is how we create a more just and welcoming world,” said. Nili Sarit Yossinger, Refugee Congress Executive Director.

We honor and pledge to keep working with those who follow in Dr. King’s footsteps in continuing to do the work of creating a just and equitable nation for all Americans.

Refugee Congress is a national nonpartisan organization built and led by former refugees, asylum-seekers, and other vulnerable migrants to promote the well-being, integration, and dignity of all vulnerable migrants. With delegates across all 50 states and the District of Columbia, we use our voices and experiences to inform and influence decision-makers on critical domestic and international issues that affect our communities.


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