Refugee Congress Recognizes Human Rights Day

Refugee Congress Recognizes Human Rights Day

December 10, 2021

Today, Refugee Congress honors Human Rights Day the anniversary of the day in 1948 when the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

The UDHR proclaims everyone’s inalienable rights as a human being, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

As former refugees and asylum-seekers, Refugee Congress knows firsthand the importance of human rights protections and the tragedies that ensue when human rights are not recognized and prioritized.

“We must uplift and honor our shared humanity and protect human rights today and every day,” said Lourena Gboeah, Chair of the Refugee Congress Board of Directors. “Refugee Congress reaffirms our commitment to working to ensure that the human rights of all are respected and uplifted. We are committed to building a better world with equity, dignity and shared humanity at its core.”

This year’s Human Rights Day theme is Equality: “All Human, All Equal.” The focus is the rebuild better, fairer and greener. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed many failures and systemic inequities and created new challenges to ensuring human rights are respected.

Join Refugee Congress on social media this month as we highlight two articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights each day for the next 15 days, along with quotes from Refugee Congress Delegates and Honorary Delegates.



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