Kamal Dhimal
Kamal Dhimal
Honorary Delegate (North Carolina)
Resettled Refugee from Bhutan
Kamal Dhimal is a Bhutanese refugee who was forced to flee persecution in Bhutan at the age of six after his father was imprisoned and killed.
Kamal and his family lived in a refugee camp in Nepal for twenty years before being resettled in the United States in 2010. He now resides in Charlotte, North Carolina, where he works as a business owner.
Kamal has established the Bhutanese Community Association of Charlotte and volunteers for the city’s Immigrant Task Force.
He received the Asian Community Leader Award from Asian Chamber of Commerce, and received the 2021 Refugee Congress Excellence Award for Honorary Delegate, a peer-nominated award that recognizes exemplary role models who dedicate themselves to advocacy, community engagement, capacity building, and mentorship.
Kamal is most proud of his connection with a diverse community and the city of Charlotte.