Biden Administration’s Executive Order A Political Move, Not a Real Solution to Protect Lives

President Biden signed an Executive Order that severely restricts and prevents people from accessing asylum at the US border. The order allows the administration to effectively shut down the border once a certain average daily arrival threshold has been reached, turning back countless individuals and families to the life-threatening situations that forced them to flee their home countries in the first place.

Refugee Congress is tremendously disappointed and strongly condemns the Biden Administration’s decision to play into political motivations and fear-based rhetoric, rather than focusing on humane, equitable, and effective solutions for our border. This order directly contradicts the President’s campaign promises to restore protections for those seeking safety in the US, and instead embraces the very anti-immigration policies the administration vowed to defeat.

“Today we are witnessing the Biden Administration denying basic human rights to seek asylum. This move not only reduces the USA's reputation as a human rights pioneer but also degrades the full essence of what America stands for,” said Tshishiku Henry, Delegate for Washington.

"In restricting asylum entries, we are not just closing our borders, we are closing our hearts to those who seek compassion and safety. This is not the America I know, and we must work together to advocate for policies that reflect our nation's true values,” said Sharon Njie, Delegate for Louisiana.

“Shutting down the border and restricting asylum access places vulnerable individuals in greater danger and undermines America’s commitment to humanitarian values,” said Sara Deewa, Delegate for New Mexico. “These actions could lead to dire consequences for those seeking safety from persecution and violence. The Administration must uphold our nation’s principles of compassion and justice.” 

“Instead of closing doors to those fleeing persecution and violence, we must work towards implementing humane and equitable solutions that uphold the dignity and rights of all individuals seeking refuge. I urge the Administration to reject these dangerous policies and to reaffirm our commitment to protecting asylum seekers by creating systems that are just, compassionate, and effective,” said Jessi Calzado-Esponda, Honorary Delegate for Washington DC.

“Hawaii has a history of welcoming those in need - like the many immigrants who found and built new lives here - and highlights the importance of compassion and humanity. This policy undermines U.S. refugee law and international treaties, and it disregards the fundamental principles of human rights. We urge the Administration to reject dangerous policies like this and to instead implement humane solutions that reflect the spirit of aloha and uphold our values,” said Valdir Solera Junior, Delegate for Hawaii.

“President Biden's Executive Order unlawfully bars those who are in danger from receiving asylum. This is a violation of vulnerable people’s rights to seek asylum and exposes them to inhumane conditions. We urge the Biden administration to adhere to the United States citizens’ core values and to halt this order immediately,” said Ali Aljundi, Membership Engagement and Leadership Development Manager.

“We are deeply disturbed by the Biden Administration’s decision to enact an Executive Order that essentially closes our border to those most in need of protection. Asylum seekers already face numerous barriers to accessing our protections, and this decision has no basis in reality, only in false rhetoric. To allow such policies to take effect, the Administration is choosing to intentionally endanger the lives of countless individuals and families fleeing persecution - a complete reversal of previous promises to rebuild and restore our protection systems. This is not the time to dig in on politically charged policies that do not lead to real solutions. This is not who we are as a country, and we strongly urge the Biden administration to reverse course, and reverse this Executive Order,” said Nili Yossinger, Executive Director.


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