Refugee Congress Honors World Refugee Day

Today and throughout the month of June, we come together to celebrate World Refugee Day, honoring refugees and continuing our advocacy for the protection of all forcibly displaced people.

As an organization built and led by former refugees, asylees, and other forcibly displaced people, we understand firsthand the critical importance of addressing the root causes of displacement. This World Refugee Day, we reflect on the theme of Solidarity with Refugees and what it looks like to meaningfully include refugee leaders in finding solutions to end forced displacement.

“Today, we stand in solidarity with refugees worldwide, celebrating their resilience and courage, and reaffirming our commitment to building a more inclusive and compassionate world. Together, we can make a difference and create a future where every person, regardless of their background or circumstances, can thrive and fulfill their potential,” said Ifeanyi Chimezie, Delegate for Alabama.

“Every refugee's story is a chapter in the book of humanity, read it with an open heart. Especially in a world where borders divide us, let our humanity unite us. Every refugee deserves a chance to thrive and dream anew,” said Sharon Njie, Delegate for Louisiana.

“On World Refugee Day, I am reminded of who I am and how far God has protected me. As we honor our resilience and the strength forged through pain and sorrow, we bear our scars with dignity. Despite losing our homes, loved ones, and dreams, we haven't lost our hope,” said Rose Mayan, Delegate for Michigan. “I speak as a survivor of the Sudan Civil War, having lost five siblings, my home, and my childhood. My story is one of countless others who endure unimaginable loss and yet hold onto hope. We seek more than refuge—we seek a future where no one suffers as we have. Stand with us in our journey as we seek safety, peace, dignity, and the opportunity to rebuild our lives. Stand with us, not just today, but every day, as we strive for a future where no one is forced to flee.”

“As we stand in solidarity with refugees today, we must recognize that our responsibility extends far beyond providing sanctuary. We must unite in our resolve to address the root causes of displacement. It is not enough to welcome those who seek refuge; we must also say a clear no to the wars and conflicts that force them to flee. We must raise our voices against the violence, the oppression, and the systemic injustices that ignite these crises,” said Tshishiku Henry, Delegate for Washington. “As we commemorate this day, let us pledge to work towards a future where such displacements are no longer necessary. Our ultimate goal must be to create a world where no one is forced to become a refugee, where the idea of fleeing one's home in search of safety is a relic of the past. Let us strive for peace, justice, and compassion. Let us build bridges of understanding and walls of solidarity that no force can tear down.”

“As we commemorate World Refugee Day, we celebrate the profound impact that refugees, asylum seekers, and people with lived experience of forced displacement give to our communities globally,” said Nili Sarit Yossinger, Refugee Congress Executive Director. “As the numbers of people who are forced to flee increases, it is ever more critical that we honor their resilience and courage by strengthening our commitments to their long-term safety and dignity, creating communities that are welcoming and inclusive, and ensuring that the voices and expertise of refugees are centered in policy-making.”

Welcoming refugees and inviting them into spaces where they can leverage their experiences and expertise is not only just but it is also beneficial. Their journeys and experiences provide unique insights that are essential in addressing global challenges and fostering inclusive growth. When we include refugees in leadership and decision-making spaces, we tap into a wealth of knowledge and innovation that benefits everyone. Meaningful refugee participation ensures that policies and initiatives are more effective, equitable, and representative of our diverse society.

Join us today in celebrating refugees, asylum seekers, and all forcibly displaced people and help amplify their voices and create space for their expertise. Refugee Congress is proud to be represented today by more than 25 events around the US that have been organized with our Delegates. Learn more about a World Refugee Day celebration near you.

More on World Refugee Day 2024:


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