Newly Introduced Destination Reception Assistance Act Provides Paths to Self-Sufficiency for Asylum Seekers

Refugee Congress joined city, county, and NGO leaders in support for the Destination Reception Assistance Act (DRAA), introduced on July 30th, 2024, by Senator Edward Markey and Representatives Grace Meng, Delia Ramirez, and Adriano Espaillat. The bill aims to provide crucial federal funding to local efforts that assist asylum seekers in achieving self-sufficiency within their new communities.

The Destination Reception Assistance Act proposes the creation of a national board under the Office of Refugee Resettlement, which will collaborate with local boards to manage block grants and a competitive matching grant program. These grants will fund essential services, including workforce development, stable housing assistance, and support with applications for humanitarian protection and work authorization.

The grants made available by the Destination Reception Assistance Act would foster self-sufficiency among recently arrived families and individuals, reduce costs from extended emergency shelters, maximize benefits for both newcomers and host communities, and promote the effective navigation and compliance with the immigration process.

“Refugee Congress welcomes this crucial effort that reaffirms America’s commitment to welcome and support those seeking safety. We know how critically important it is that people who are seeking safety and rebuilding their lives in the US have the opportunity to truly thrive,” said Nili Sarit Yossinger, Executive Director. “By ensuring that communities have access to resources that will help newcomers, the Destination Reception Assistance Act will help set asylum seekers up for success so they can be a vital part of the cultural and economic fabric of our communities.”

The full statement on the Destination Reception Assistance Act can be found here.


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